27 Oct 2022
WD - Second round - Make it international, keep it simple
Women’s Doubles ranking is one of the most various chart among the five sections. Asia has got some talented players while Europeans keep sending their rising stars to maintain the balance
Nami MATSUYAMA/Chiharu SHIDA looking forward to starting their battle against the Danes Alexandrea BOJE/Amalie MAGELUND
Japan has a strong hand on Women’s Doubles, they seem to be used to having at least one ticket for the last round. The Japanese are very well equipped in terms of skills, they don’t have many draw backs neither in attacks nor in defenses . The first set was already tough. SHIDA’s full power smashes were not as impressive as usual, the Danes apparently studied their opponents’ game style.21/18, they Scandinavians kept their pace pretty steadily but still missed these 3 last points for the first set.