21 au 26 octobre 2025

Terms and Conditions of Sale

These Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to the "Yonex Badminton French Open 2021" (Yonex IFB), organized by the French Badminton Federation (FFBaD) from Tuesday 26th to Sunday 31st of October 2021 in Paris, at “Stade Pierre de Coubertin”.

General obligations

It shall be forbidden for any ticket-holder, whether acting in an individual capacity or represented by a company to:

  • sell or attempt to sell the ticket at a profit;
  • use or attempt to use all or part of the tickets purchased for commercial or promotional ends, including competitions, lotteries, staff incentives or any other such action, or as one of the components of an all-inclusive commercial travel package (e.g. combining flight, hotel and ticket) and/or, more generally, in any kind of marketing form, except with the prior agreement of the French Badminton Federation (FFBaD);
  • associate or in any way attempt to associate their name, the name of the companies, groups, associations etc. which they control, directly or indirectly, and/or to which they belong, or any brand-name they hold in this respect with the names, brands and other incorporeal rights associated with the Yonex Badminton French Open (IFB) ;
  • and, more generally, cause any kind of prejudice to the Yonex IFB, to the physical persons or corporate entities connected in any way with its organization or to its commercial partners.

Should the purchaser order several tickets, he shall ensure that the person(s) to whom he offers the ticket(s) (hereinafter referred to as "the beneficiary(ies)") has/have taken full note of these Terms and Conditions of Sale and agreed to abide by them. In particular, the purchaser shall transmit a copy of the present Terms and Conditions of Sale to the beneficiary(ies).

Tickets shall only be for the personal use of the ticket-holders (i.e. the purchaser or the beneficiaries).

Ticket-holders shall be deemed to have agreed to the present Terms and Conditions of Sale and to the rules applicable to the sporting events.

01 - Orders

Tickets may be ordered either individually or in packages known as "Packs". Orders can only be done on Internet. 

Internet orders are made from the ticketing page of the www.yonexifb.com website. The ticket(s) is/are sent by e-mail in electronic form to the e-mail address indicated by the purchaser. 

VIP pack contains one or several tickets added to VIP services such as: catering, present, premium seats. Customers can buy the VIP pack by mail-order selling, via the website. 

According to the French law, Purchasers are not able to cancel their order after payment. 

In all circumstances, orders shall be honored without discrimination, in chronological order and subject to the availability of seats. 

A handling fee of 1.50 € will be charged on each Internet order and added to the total. The fee shall be payable at the same time as the ticket order. 

In case the customers did not receive its tickets, they can follow their order buy visiting the website : www.yonexifb.com/uk.   If necessary, contact by e-mail the Organizing Committee, to ticket@yonexifb.com.  

In the event of the modification of the e-mail address of the purchaser, the old and new addresses shall clearly be communicated, by e-mail, to ticket@yonexifb.com. The FFBaD will acknowledge receipt of the modification. The Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB cannot be held liable for any order that cannot be delivered due to an incorrect address. 

02 - Rates and payment

The ticket prices are stipulated in euros on the various marketing supports. All prices shall be understood as tax-included and excluded the handling fee. 

The reduced rate shall be applicable to FFBaD license-holders. License number will be required during the purchase and a proof may be required upon admission to the stadium. 

The “Tribu” rate is applicable to all orders equal to or exceeding 6 identical individual tickets (same session, same category) purchased by 1 person with FFBaD license. License number will be required during the purchase and a proof may be required upon admission to the stadium. 

“Tribu” rates shall not apply to the Packs, Gold category tickets. 

Disabled people are invited to contact the FFBaD by e-mail : ticket@yonexifb.com  

For family, on a two adults and two children basis, there is a price for all sales categories. It is less than 10% to 30% of the adult rate. 

Children below the age of 5 do not require tickets, only if they share the seat of their accompanying ticket-holder. In that case, their accompanying ticket-holder has to go and get a special ticket at the ticketing desk of the venue, the day of their visit. Then they will be able to enter the stadium. 

All sales shall be final once payment has been made, signifying acceptance of the order. 

Payment is made in one go, with the following methods of payment: 

  • For Internet orders: bank card; 
  • For sales over the counter: bank card or cash. 

Amounts paid shall be neither deposits nor down payments. 

In the event of theft, tickets shall be neither exchanged nor refunded. Similarly, any tickets that are damaged or counterfeit shall be deemed invalid and may be neither exchanged nor refunded. All contentious cases shall be examined by the Organizer on the day of the event. 

03 - Access to the stadium

Access to the stadium shall only be granted upon electronic validation of the ticket presented. It shall be strictly forbidden to duplicate tickets.

The general conditions of admission to the stadium, which include the general health and safety conditions, shall be displayed on notice boards outside the premises.

Tickets shall be electronically validated for ticket-holders to leave the stadium temporarily. Failing this, the ticket-holder shall be deemed to have permanently left the premises and will not be allowed to re-enter.

In the case of ticket for seats which are not numbered in the stand selected when purchasing it,  the respects of the specific guidelines communicated by the organisation (social distancing especially) when entering the venue and the stand is mandatory. A seat can not be “reserved” by a ticket holder for someone who is meant to arrive later during the day.

All ticket-holders shall take note that their movements around and within the stadium are under their own responsibility. The Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB cannot be held liable for any ticket-holders who break these rules.

04 – Prohibited items and behaviours

This section deals with all items that stadium visitors and accredited persons are not permitted to use, possess, hold or bring into the stadium. Prohibited items are loosely grouped into the following categories: 

  • Any item that could be used as a weapon, cause damage and/or injury or be used as a projectile.
  • Illegal substances, not just limited to narcotics. 
  • Cans, bottles and any other liquid product (alcoholic or not) except those bought inside the stadium. 
  • Items of a racist, xenophobic, charitable or ideological nature or items that could detract from the sporting focus.
  • Items that increase the risk of fi re or are harmful to health, not solely pyrotechnics.
  • Animals, except those used for the purpose of assisting people with disabilities or impairments. 
  • Large, unwieldy objects that cannot be stowed under a seat.
  • Any item that could distract the players and/or officials, including laser pointers and items that produce excessive volumes of noise.
  • Promotional or commercial materials. 
  • Recording devices or cameras of any kind other than those for personal use. 
  • Any other object that could compromise public safety and security and/or harm the reputation of the event. 
  • Any items that could restrict the view of other spectators.

The spectators are not allowed to adopt a behavior (including, but not limited to, chants, songs, gestures) that might include racist, xenophobic, charitable or ideological ideas or that could detract from the sporting focus.

The list of flags and hymns allowed inside the stadium are available on the International Olympic committee website : https://www.olympic.org/fr/comites-nationaux-olympiques 

05 - Copyright

All ticket-holders attending the tournament shall expressly acknowledge that it is a public event and consequently give their consent, at no cost, for the broadcasting and, more generally, the use of their image by any means and via any medium throughout the world for the duration of the use of the tournament, and forego in advance all copyright claims or lawsuit aiming to obstruct such use.

06 - Capture and use of the images from the matches

Photographs taken by the ticket-holder at the tournament may only be used for private ends and may not be used for any commercial, promotional or publicity purposes. Any other use of such images shall be strictly forbidden, except with the prior consent of the FFBaD. 

Video capture, whatever its purpose, shall be forbidden, except with the prior consent of the FFBaD. 

07 - Responsibility of the Organizer

The Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB is responsible, on the one hand, for granting access to the stadium to all holders of a valid ticket and, on the other hand, for staging the sporting event.

The Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB shall be held liable for any damage (corporeal, material or otherwise) suffered by the ticket-holder inside the stadium (whether said damage occurs before, during or after the competitions) resulting from a failure to meet mandatory safety requirements, characterized by the general obligation to exercise due care and attention.

08 - Postponement and cancellation

The Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB cannot be held liable in the event of cancellation or modification of the playing times of one or several matches in the Yonex IFB arising from a case of force majeure.

In the event that the Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB should be obliged to modify the date or venue of one or several matches for reasons other than force majeure, ticket-holders for that match shall, wherever possible, be entitled to a ticket in the same category as the original ticket to watch the postponed match(es).

If one or several matches in the Yonex IFB are cancelled for reasons other than force majeure, the Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB reserves the right to institute a balanced and proportionate compensation procedure. In this event, the amount of any compensation shall not exceed the price of the ticket. In any event, only the purchaser of the ticket shall be entitled to lodge claims with respect to these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

If the French Open is cancelled because of the Covid-19, The Organizing Committee will propose a refund to all the ticket purchaser. In this event, the amount of any compensation shall not exceed the price of the ticket. In any event, only the purchaser of the ticket shall be entitled to lodge claims with respect to these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

09 - Communication of the Terms and Conditions of Sale and enquiries

A copy of these Terms and Conditions of Sale is available on the website www.yonexifb.com and upon request from the Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB at the FFBaD headquarters: 9/11 avenue Michelet, 93583 Saint Ouen cedex, FRANCE. 

More generally, all enquiries should be sent to the Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB at the above address or to ffbad@ffbad.org


10 - Personal data handling and secure payment

We use your information to provide you with our services, information and offers based on information we hold about you and how you interact with us. In particular, they allow you to receive your tickets, to be warned in case of major modification on your event (cancellation, report ...), to access your account and order history, to receive personalized marketing offers and make your next orders easier. You can at any time exercise your right of withdrawal by unchecking the box. Please see our Privacy Policy for full details.

In accordance with the law of January 10, 1978 relative to data processing, files and liberties, and after having justified your identity, you can at any time exercise your rights (information, access, opposition, modification), regarding your personal data on your account or by mail at the following address : FFBaD, 9/11 avenue Michelet - 93583 Saint Ouen cedex, FRANCE or by email : dpo@ffbad.org.

11 - Non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Sale

Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Sale may result in the ticket-holder’s being refused access to or expelled from the stadium. In such an event no refund shall be payable.

12 - Validity of the Terms and Conditions of Sale and amendments

Subject to the relevant legal provisions, the Organizing Committee of the Yonex IFB reserves the right at any time to make any reasonable amendments to these Terms and Conditions of Sale, the latest version of which will be available on the www.yonexifb.com website and upon written request, by post, at FFBaD, 9/11 avenue Michelet, 93583 Saint Ouen cedex, FRANCE.

13 - Authenticity of the text

These Terms and Conditions of Sale were prepared in French and translated into English. In the event of a disparity between the French and English versions, the French version of the Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be the authentic text for the purpose of resolving ambiguities in their interpretation or application.

14 - Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with the legislation in force in France. Any dispute arising with respect to the interpretation, execution and general application of these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall fall within the sole jurisdiction of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.

15 - Special provisions relating to on-line betting

The purchaser and the beneficiary of the ticket shall refrain from any form of speculation or betting in respect of the Tournament, whether by themselves or via a third party, whether in France or abroad and by whatever means, especially electronic.

The use of equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any score, audio, visual or audio-visual material within the Venue is strictly forbidden. You shall not bring any such equipment to the Venue or to the Event. Any recording or transmitting equipment (including professional cameras), unauthorized recordings, tapes, films or similar items may be confiscated and/or destroyed by the organizers. The Organizing Committee also reserve the right to refuse entry to and/or eject from the Event and/or Venue for the entire duration of the tournament.

Anyone with information about the event and part of the Organization of Referees and/or players can’t bet on this event.

Credit : ON L’Agence | Legal Notice | Photo credit : ©FFBaD / BadmintonPhoto